Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Thanksgiving is my absolutely favorite holiday! It's a time where we show gratitude for all that we have and celebrate with the ones we love. I have so much to be grateful for this year! 

1. My family is healthy
2. My son continues to be an amazing athlete.
3. I have a two AMAZING jobs I love!
4. Friendships blossoming into more. 
5. Learning how to loose weight the right way.

I hope everyone is able to get into the holiday spirit of gratitude, it gives us so much more when we think we don't have enough. Each and every person reading thank you! xoxo

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Tuesday, November 5, 2013


This past weekend I caught a bug, initially I thought it was a food poisoning from a cheat meal on Sunday. Then I remembered when I went to a baby shower on Saturday my best friends son was vomiting and they took him to to ER. Poor baby... :( Well it turns out that a few people caught a bug from that party not just me. I still don't want to eat chicken or potato salad for a while. It's funny how our minds works.

Anyhoo... as I was laying in bed  under my sons electric blanket all I could think is that there are people that feel this way daily, I couldn't image feeling like this each day. I prayed for them, for their pain to ease and for them to regain their health.

I know we are not to take our health for granted, and even though it was just a bug. It reminded me that illness can happen to anyone at anytime. That everyday I am healthy that I should create the best version of myself to accompany a life of what I desire. There is absolutely no excuse for me not to.

So with that... I hope everyone enjoys their day and lets get up and get moving!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Two Month Instagram Challenge

As usual I like to change things up every once in a while. For this months challenge I wanted to introduce walking, jogging, hiking and running. The goal 100 Miles to 2014. The goal is just to get moving. 
I'm full of excuses when it comes to running, hiking, or jogging. I love it and I just wanted to get back into it. With this challenge we can all be accountable, by downloading a GPS app such as Map My Run.

If you would like a calendar of the challenge I have attached them below. Good Luck & Thanks for Following! xoxo